
Friday, November 11, 2011

This is Walter, pronounced, "WALT TERRRR" , emphasizing both syllables. (sorry for the bit of blur, rat photography is interminably blurry. They just don't understand, please hold still.)

He and another rat named "The Doctor" joined my mischief of rats several months ago. Unfortunately, Doctor died of pneumonia, and this Sunday, we will be going to a Mainely Rat Rescue adoption event in Rhode Island, hopefully to pick up 2 neutered boys to join our mischief.

All well wishes are appreciated, as adding boys to a mischief can be risky. Male rats can be more territorial and can have more issues with introductions, but we succeeded with our last introduction.

Rats are short lived and prone to illnesses. We have lost 2 rats to pneumonia in the 2 years that we have had rats. Patches are eldest will likely die in the upcoming year just from old age. Rats are like little flames. They burn brightly, but sadly extinguish quickly. However, the joy they give while they burn through their lives overflows one cup. So, yes, we are off to the rescue to hopefully adopt a couple of boys.

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