
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This Week in the Critter Nation

I'm so excited, which is quite sad when you think about it. BUT, it's...
A new linens week.

Here's Doctor modeling the new linens, a blue plaid picnic blanket upcycled to a cage liner. The marble blocks, which Doc is standing on, are our current line of defense against rats who remodel cage liners. We put them in the corners of the cage on top of the liner as weights. They are working pretty well.

The below picture shows the marble blocks weighing down the corners.

By the way, keep an eye on my Etsy Shop. Coming soon should be several blue plaid upcycled picnic blanket hammocks including a couple of double decker hammocks.

Sigh, my own rats don't appreciate double decker hammocks. The hammock on the top left used to be a double decker but my rats have remodeled it into a plain ole flat. Yes, they completely removed a floor of the hammock.

Downstairs has a "Long and Skinny" Hammock near its top. And, you can see the large ceramic tiles that we are using under the wooden house in an attempt to protect the cage liner from bored rats nibbling. Now, they have hard rock flooring. Let's see if they can chew through that.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Replies
    1. I'm enjoying the blue plaid, too. I love it when my cage isn't all mismatched.
